Distribute iLEAN Traceability, a business model of maximum efficiency. How can you become distributor of iLEAN software?
Distribute iLEAN Traceability, a business model of maximum efficiency. How can you become distributor of iLEAN software? More than 200 companies have joined to the iLEAN software distributors network in only 3 months since the release of the new 4.0 version. This version have been developed over the double mirror engine of iLEAN TracingPack, a SMiralles Software Engines development, global leader in alimentary security systems and industrial traceability. The stability of this engine gives to iLEAN Traceability 4.0 de hardness of an industrial machine. This, together with the 250 different business profiles integrated allows to the partners who choose iLEAN Tracer to cut their costs for software malfunctions and increase their sales offering a specific solution for every company, with a small cost in education and adaptation for technical services.

IlEAN Tracer systems is a global project of software of the recogniced Spanish systems software developer SMiralles Software Engines. Is a platform developed for tactile screens for traceability control which in its last version has been a silent revolution in the web for its simplicity, power and innovative focussing.

The company, originated in the industrial sector, has been awarded several times in Europe and in the United States for its innovative systems for heavy industries and food safety sectors. Right now its expanding in the management software out of the industrial environment thanks to its powerful technology integrated in the version 4.0 of iLEAN Tracer.

This technology runs below the own Windows Software offering an outstanding stability and speed to the different systems built in iLEAN Tracer. This features and an ambitious customization development integrating up to 250 different business models in the same platform offers a powerful tool to reach more clients, increase your sales and reduce the daily operative costs.

Our exigency levels has incorporated the best features of the most especialized software in each sector to integrate the capabilities and functions in one of each 250 business models built in iLEAN Tracer 4.0.

Talking about franchises and centralized management of business processes, iLEAN Tracer and its centralized management data systems are a proven efficiency reference in the sector and are recommended by the most important franchise consultancy companies in the country.

March 15, 2008

McDonald's and iLEAN TS CEOS talked in Barcelona about traceability and food security in the actual food sector - During a series of conferences about food security organized by Caterdata magazine, both speakers explained in Barcelona their personal vision about the problem�

July 10, 2008

IlEAN Tracer V8 Implantation analysis finished for the New Lactalis-Nestle plant in Guadalajara -

The high level of exigencies in the production process and the meticulous care in the selection and treat of the raw materials needed are one of the key features of the great quality of Lactalis-nestle products. 
Lactalis-Nestlé has become the first global food group to monitor its traceability completely and sinchronize all its food security control systems of raw materials, semielaborated and finished products with iLEAN Tracer.

April 15, 2009

GS1-EAN iLEAN's official partner in South America continues the diffusion labour of the different iLEAN software � - In this occasion, a project lead by GS1 Peru over 500 CepiCafé Associated Producers achieved a 75% reduction of the registration costs by implanting iLEAN Tracer Software….